Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pollinator Particulars #2

The Blue Orchard Bee, Part One

250 - 300 female blue orchard bees, Osmia lignaria, can readily pollinate a one-acre apple orchard.

For a back-yard fruit tree plantation, only about 50 of these bees which are native to most of the United States are needed. 

Besides being highly attracted to fruit trees, they are very efficient pollinators! This is because the BOB females collect pollen on the underside of their abdomens. They land right in the center of the flower where the reproductive parts are located so the pollen from previously visited blossoms is easily transferred. 

I am hoping to see and photograph some of these bees as our crabapple trees are just about to come into bloom!  Hopefully the weather will cooperate! And, as apple trees across the state start blooming,  go you BOB females!  

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