Tuesday, May 31, 2011

White Double Doubletake

The previous photos of the N. albus were made over the weekend and since then the inner petals have grown bigger and the center more open!  Who would have guessed?  Here is a photo from this morning:

The center still looks a bit off-putting to me, no raised structures which are still semi-obscured by petal tissue so I still am guessing that for pollinators, it's not much of a favorite.  In fact, all the time I was working around them I have never seen any insects take a look.  They are such beauties though so I cut more tonight and now have a nice collection of them in a pitcher!

Speaking of a look - here is someone peaking around the edge of....well, stay tuned for the next post!

1 comment:

  1. I love a good pollinator cliff...err...anther-hanger. Looking forward to Part II.
